PUBLIC: These are the routes that are ALWAYS accessible - even when authenticated.

AUTH: These are the routes that are used for authentication flows such as login, signup, forgot password, etc. These can’t be accessed when authenticated.

PROTECTED: These are the routes that are protected and require the user to be authenticated.

Feel free to just add or remove routes from the appropiate section as the middleware.ts will handle the rest.

export const ROUTES_CONFIG = {
    PUBLIC: {
        LANDING_PAGE: "/",
        STATUS_ERROR: "/auth-status/error",
        STATUS_SUCCESS: "/auth-status/success",

    AUTH: {
        SIGN_IN: "/auth/sign-in",
        SIGN_UP: "/auth/sign-up",

         * the following routes are (password-management) routes
         * these are used for password management flows such as forgot password and update password

        FORGOT_PASSWORD: "/auth/forgot-password",
        UPDATE_PASSWORD: "/auth/update-password",

         * the following routes are (handlers) routes
         * these are used for handling authentication flows such as email and google login

        CONFIRM: "/auth/confirm",
        CALLBACK: "/auth/callback",

        USER_DASHBOARD: "/app",
        USER_BILLING: "/app/billing",
        USER_PROFILE: "/app/user-profile",

         * the following routes are (standalone) routes
         * these do not contain a layout unlike the other protected routes

        CHOOSE_PRICING_PLAN: "/choose-pricing-plan",
        ONBOARDING: "/onboarding",
        PLAN_CONFIRMATION: "/plan-confirmation",
} as const;


  • Feel free to add or remove routes. These are all optional. However, if a route is removed, make sure to also remove it throughout the codebase where it’s being used.

TL;DR: no action required. You can just leave the default settings.