
  1. You can create a favicon by using an online tool like favicon.io to convert it from .png to .ico.

  2. Inside the codebase, go to the app folder and replace the icon.ico file with a new favicon.


Title and Description

  1. Inside the codebase, go to the seo.config.ts file.

  2. You will see a metadata object. This is where we can customise the metadata of the website.

export const seoConfig: SEOConfig = {
    default: {
        title: "Lightweight SaaS Boilerplate • 2mrw",
        template: "%s • 2mrw", // used for page-specific titles: "Sign In • 2mrw"
            "Launch your SaaS faster with our Next.js and Supabase boilerplate.",
        keywords: ["SaaS boilerplate", "Next.js template", "Supabase starter"],
        url: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL ?? "https://2mrw.dev",
        locale: "en-US",

        // open graph image (used by Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
        ogImage: {
            url: "/og-image.jpg",
            width: 1200,
            height: 630,
            alt: "2mrw SaaS Boilerplate",

        // twitter config (used by Twitter)
        twitter: {
            handle: "@2mrw",
            site: "https://2mrw.dev",
            cardType: CardType.SUMMARY_LARGE_IMAGE,

Open Graph Images (Social Media)

  1. Inside the codebase, go to the app folder and replace the opengraph-image.jpg and opengraph-image.alt.txt file with a new open graph image and alt text.

  2. Go to the seo.config.ts file and replace the existing ogImage.url with a new open graph image.

ogImage: {
    url: [insert_image_url or image_path],
    width: 1200,
    height: 630,
    alt: "2mrw SaaS Boilerplate",

It’s recommended to use a size of 1200x630 for the Open Graph and Twitter images.


Twitter Graph Image

The Twitter Graph Image will use the existing opengraph-image.jpg file. If that’s not desired then:

  1. Inside the codebase, go to the app folder and replace the twitter-image.jpg and twitter-image.alt.txt file with a new Twitter image and alt text.


You can use a tool like Opengraph to check if all open graph images, metadata, etc. have been added / updated.

If the title, description or open graph images have been updated, but the changes are not showing up, please check the following:

  • Check if the file names are correct
  • Clear the cache inside the hosting provider where the project is hosted, e.g. AWS, Digital Ocean, etc.