Each of the settings also has a component that can be found inside the Components section to see what each component looks like inside the app.

export const appConfig: GeneralConfig = {
    testimonialSidePanel: {
        isEnabled: true,
        direction: "right",
    }, // testimonial-side-panel.tsx

    onboarding: {
        pageFlow: {
            isEnabled: true, // onboarding flow the user can click through
        checklist: {
            isEnabled: true, // onboarding checklist shown on the dashboard in the bottom left
            direction: "left",
    }, // onboarding-flow.tsx and onboarding-checklist-trigger.tsx

    themeToggle: {
        isEnabled: true,
        defaultTheme: "light",
    }, // theme-toggle.tsx

    feedback: {
        bugReport: {
            isEnabled: true,
            formUrl: "https://tally.so/r/bug-report",
        }, // feedback-section.tsx

        featureRequest: {
            isEnabled: true,
            formUrl: "https://tally.so/r/feature-request",
        }, // feedback-section.tsx

        forms: {
            accountDeletion: {
                isEnabled: true, // shows a provide feedback prompt after account deletion
                formUrl: "https://tally.so/r/exit-survey",
            }, // form-status-message.tsx

    company: {
        name: "2mrw",
        contactEmail: "support@example.com",
        senderEmail: "m@example.com", // this email is used as the sender email for all outgoing emails such as freeTrialStarted, etc.


Feel free to configure the following features as desired as these are all optional.

  • testimonialSidePanel (testimonial-side-panel.tsx)
  • onboarding (onboarding-flow.tsx)
  • accountDeletion (form-status-message.tsx)

Each feature can be toggled in app.config.ts using their respective isEnabled flags.

TL;DR: no action required. You can just leave the default settings.